Thursday, August 12, 2010

LEARN THE TALK OF THE TOWN (Seven things women are insecure about !!)

By Evans pauperman Nyang'wechi

 - I think it's safe to say that no matter how confident they are, most women are insecure about a thing or two . . . especially when it comes to dating.  Here are seven of the biggest ones, and what you can do about it.
#1)  That you won't call 
Women are always stressing over whether or not you're going to call them after a date.  So if you tell her you're going to call her on Tuesday, call her on Tuesday. 
But if that's just not your style, or you'd like to keep her guessing, don't give her a definite day when you'll call.  It's better than breaking a promise, and it saves her from waiting for your call on a particular day.
#2)  That you just want to sleep with her FIG_430985869.jpg
It's a fine line: if you make a move too soon, she'll think that's all you want. If you wait too long, she'll think you're not interested.
The best way to work this one is to just be sincere. If you're actually interested in a relationship, let her know. From there, she'll give you the signals to let you know when she's ready to get freaky.
#3)  That you are dating other women 
It's okay to casually date more than one person at the same time . . . as long as you're honest about it.  You don't have to bring it up, but if SHE does, be honest. 
But once you start sleeping together, or things seem to get more serious, she might assume you're exclusive.  So it's only fair to let her know if that's NOT the case.
#4)  That you are not interested
Even the most confident woman sometimes needs a reminder that you're interested in her.  Even if you're months into the relationship . . . or even years . . . she'll still need reassurance now and then.
#5)  That another woman is stealing your attention 
There's nothing wrong with harmless flirting.  But when you're out with her, you should devote your attention to HER. 
The easiest way to think about it is to reverse it:  How would you feel if she was flirting with another guy right in front of you?
#6)  That you are cheating on herFIG2_896158892.jpg
If she's worried that you're cheating on her, there's usually a reason: maybe she's been cheated on before, or she knows you've done it in the past.
But if that's not the case . . . and even if you think she's being totally irrational . . . you're going to have to discuss the issue head-on and let her know that you're committed and have no intention of cheating.
#7)  That she is not satisfying you in bed
Women worry about how they're doing in the sack, just like men do.  So if things are going well, make sure you let her know. 
And if things AREN'T going well, you've got to bring it up in the most sensitive way possible.  

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