Each time you discharge an obvious compliment, your next shot loses power. Like they were
Confederate dollars, your Quarry begins to devalue conspicuous compliments. You can use
empathy, make approval noises, and imply your praise early with your Quarry. But save up for the
killer compliment.
What is the killer compliment? It's not, "Gee, I like your tie." A killer compliment is a knock-'em
dead, on-target, outright compliment which takes your Quarry's breath away.
In my communications seminars, I trick people into killer complimenting another participant. Early in
my program, I ask the participants to get to know another participant by chatting for a few minutes.
Later in the program, I instruct them to close their eyes and recall one outstanding positive quality
about the person they spoke with. I say, "Not anything you would necessarily tell the other person,
but some very private positive observation about them." Perhaps their conversational partner had a
wonderfully warm smile or there was a spiritual air about them. "The quality can be physical," I tell
them, "or it can concern their personality." Everybody has at least one good quality.
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Then I say, "OK, now, open your eyes, and tell them what you were thinking."
"What, tell them?" They are in shock. "Actually tell the other person the private thought I was
having about them?"
"Yes! Tell them." I remind them that I said to think of a compliment that they would not necessarily
tell the other person.
They give each other killer compliments, and the result is a joy to watch. After the first wave of
nervous laughter sweeps the crowd, smiles and warm blushes break out all over. Friendships are
forming right and left. Everybody enjoys receiving their killer compliment, and practically everybody
develops warm feelings toward the person who gave it to them.
What kinds of killer compliments have they just heard? Lovely sentiments like: "You have a terrific
sense of humor," "What penetrating deep brown eyes you have," "I thought you were a dancer. You
move so gracefully," ''I noticed your hands. They're like a pianist's," "I sense an aesthetic quality
about you,'' or "I love your teeth!"
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